
Flute and whistle teaching in Scotland

Claire Mann teaching at FluteFling Online (c) Gordon Turnbull

There are probably more people teaching traditional flute and whistle in Scotland than ever before. The Covid pandemic has meant that many of these are now teaching online and while it’s not quite the same as face-to-face teaching, it does mean that they are accessible, regardless of where you live.

This list has been put together to support working flute and whistle teachers based in Scotland. Please make your own arrangements directly and not through FluteFling.

  • Sharon Creasey in Dumbarton offers 1-1 tuition in traditional flute and whistle in the Glasgow area.
  • Kenny Hadden in Aberdeen has private students in flute and whistle.
  • Gordon Turnbull teaches workshops and some 1-1 tuition in flute, whistle and low whistle in Edinburgh.
  • Scottish Culture and Traditions in Aberdeen offer lessons for different levels in flute, led by Malcolm Reavell, and in whistle, led by Sal Buckler, Ian Sutherland and Helen Lynch.
  • The Scots Music Group in Edinburgh offer group lessons for tin whistle led by Sam Gillespie and Freya Rae, and also mixed instrument classes that include flute.
  • Tom Oakes in Edinburgh offers 1-1 tution in traditional flute and whistle. Tom also gives lessons online and includes flute in the Wintertrad festival, which he co-organises.
  • Claire Mann plays and teaches whistle, flute and fiddle and is based in Dumfries and Galloway
  • Hamish Napier plays and teaches traditional flute and whistle at the Royal Conservertoire for Music in Glasgow and also in other settings.
  • Nigel Gatherer teaches whistle, mandolin and mixed instrument classes and workshops in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Perthshire.
  • Munro Gauld teaches individuals in flute and whistle in the Perth area.
  • Freya Rae plays and teaches traditional style silver Boehm flute in 1 to 1 and group settings in Edinburgh.
  • Marc Duff teaches whistle and low whistle in the Falkirk area.
  • GFW (formerly the Glasgow Fiddle Workshop) runs whistle classes led by Andrew McPherson, Sarah Markey and Katherine Macleod.