
The Resources section contains material that supports the FluteFling traditional flute and whistle classes and workshops.

This also serves as an archive of material that I have taught over the years in various settings, including Scots Music Group whistle and Portobello Music School traditional whistle classes.

The resources have for many years lived over on The Flow, my website about traditional Irish flute playing. That site no longer exists but a new home for updated articles and reference material is being prepared. Meanwhile my resources for teaching traditional flute and whistle are in the process of being moved to this site.

The history of flute playing in Scotland

If you’re at all interested in the story of the flute in Scotland, look no further than FluteFling supporter Elizabeth Ford’s research. Her thesis The flute in musical life in eighteenth-century Scotland is available as a PDF and for a more complete picture, her book The Flute in Scotland from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century is highly recommended and essential reading.

Publications and websites

This is a brief introduction to some of the available recommended books and websites following Claire Mann’s workshop series in December 2020.

Photo by Gordon Turnbull